

Fotograf Johan Töpel, PHOTO


Fotograf Johan Töpel, FILM


Fotograf Johan Töpel, ART



Svenska designpriset 2021

Svenska Designpriset 2021
Situation STHLM/Hummingbirds

Silverägg 2021

Guldägget 2021
Situation STHLM/Hummingbirds

Assistentpriset 2005

Assistentpriset 2005


“Photographing for me is a huge scene of storytelling about our whole existence and at the same time a unique love for what exactly I am shooting. All that together captured and frozen in the eye-drop crisp of a moment. In every photo I want to find the beauty in the banal and to add the mightiness to the small. Work with contradictions and the light, to give a fulfilled experience within and outside of the shooting frames.”

Johan Töpel

New Topographics is a movement in photographic art in which the landscape is depicted without sentimental representation of the world we inhabit as being a place we do not exist in.

When looking at Johan Töpels work you will find elements of commonplace situations and banal scenery. Sometimes combined with romantic seductive reflections - all set up with brilliant lighting and stunning presence in the shooting assignment. Johan has worked with Johan Fowelin, Andreas Johansson, Jenny Lexander, Anti Wendel, Oscar Falk to give some examples and his main influences are Stephen Shore, Andreas Gursky and Johan Fowelin. Now based in Stockholm he has worked with clients in Fashion, Art, Ads, Portraits, Architecture and Stillife and is a regular contributor to several magazines. Along with the photography, Johan also contributes in film production. Not only as a DoP, but also as a director and editor. Last but not least, Johan is an artist with several exhibitions behind him.


Marketmath, Hager, Lassila & Tikanoja, Anicura, Hanza, Verifone, Presto, World Trade Center, Kinnevik, Liber, Briab, Tallink-Silja, Olsson-Lilja, Stavdal, Loomis, Duni, Hammarskiöld, Aino Health, SJ, Apoteket, SOS Barnbyar, Almi, Almi Invest, Nobina, Bemz, Lexington, Folkoperan, Texas Longhorn, Cederquist, Direkt Optik, Delbart, Global Child Forum, Porteur/Stutterheim Raincoats, SEB, KPMG, MTG, TV3, Forum AID, Sickla Köpkvarter, Ordning & Reda, Attention Magazine, Ektab, Dometic, SL, Spray, Statoil, Boss Media, Comfort, Stockholm Stad, Länsförsäkringar, Delicato, Eurowell, Exchange, Fly Excellent, Fylgia, ICW, ISS, Kammarkollegiet, Karlstad Stadsnät, King Magazine, Kista Galleria, Koneo, Lantliv, LMG, Löplabbet, M-Magasin, Nutrilett, Optimal Telecom, Pantene Pro V, Plaza Interiör, Roschier, Sala Heby Energi, Setra Corefloor, Setterwalls, Sitoo, Situation Stockholm, Skelleftekraft, Småa Hus, Stinsen Köpcenter, Svenska Institutet, Swegon, Tag Master, Topphälsa, Wrigleys.